ROSWELL: WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN - "Limited Options" - 05/14/03

Previously on Roswell and Roswell: What Might Have Been ...

  1 INT. CRASHDOWN - DINING AREA - DAY (from Roswell Episode 101: The Pilot)

Uh, Sheriff, hi, uh, I'm, I'm sorry, I really need to talk to you. I think something happened here.

What do you think happened?

The gunman was, was, was standing right over there, right? And the shot was fired into this direction. Now, Jen and I, we searched this entire place up and down and ...
(nervous laugh)
I mean there's, where's the bullet?

We haven't found a bullet hole yet, Sheriff.

Cut to:

  2 INT. WEST ROSWELL HIGH SCHOOL ART ROOM - DAY (from Roswell Episode 101: The Pilot)

(to Max)
Kyle saw the hand print on my stomach and Valenti found my waitress uniform with the bullet hole in it. He just asked me if you were in the Café during the shooting. Max, he suspects you.

Cut to:

  3 EXT. PEPPER'S CAFE - NIGHT (from Roswell Episode 113: The UFO Convention)

I didn't know this was gonna happen. I didn't know he was as dangerous as he was.

What did you tell him? Why did he come after me? You're the sheriff. You're supposed to protect me. But all you've done is go after me! You believe all these crazy things. You're just like Hubble. You want me? Well, here I am! Take me.

Max, come on, just relax.

No, no!


Would you treat your son this way?

Get outta here. The both of you. You were never here. Go on!

Cut to:

  4 INT. SHERIFF'S DEPT. - DUSK (from RWMHB Episode 118: Don't Tell Mama)

The new deputy (Green) leaves the main lobby for the file room.

(looking in the direction of the file room, but to Owen)
How's our new deputy doing?

(glances in the direction of the file room, then back at Valenti)
He asks too many questions.

Cut to:

  5 INT. ROSWELL SHERIFF'S DEPT. - FILE ROOM - NIGHT (from RWMHB Episode 118: Don't Tell Mama)

The deputy casually closes the file he was perusing and places it back in the middle of the file drawer.

You're working late.

Just trying to catch up on old cases. You never know when a clue from an old case can help you with a new one.

Cut to:

Valenti, alone in the file room, flipping through the files in the middle of the drawer. He puts his hand on a file marked "Hubble, Everett". A look of concern crosses his face. He pauses, then pulls the file out of the drawer, closes the drawer, and exits the file room with the Hubble file tucked under his arm.

Cut to:

  6 INT. JEN AND LARRY'S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT (from RWMHB Episode 119: The Witness)

Larry is seated at the desk, wearing headphones, listening to cassettes on his tape recorder.

... strange animal-like sounds, barely human, coming from the trailer of that drunk Hank who used to live next to me. Thank God, he left the next day!

Larry smiles.

Cut to:

  7 INT. ROSWELL SHERIFF'S DEPT. - VALENTI'S OFFICE - DAY (from Roswell Episode 115: Independence Day)

Hank walks into the Sheriff's office.

I heard you put out an APB.

You heard right.

Here I am.

You wanna tell me about the gunshots?

Oh, uh, well...never clean a gun while you've been drinking. Anyway, got an offer from a plant over in Las Cruces. My lease is up next week, so ... I'm hitchin' up the trailer and I'm gone. Thing is, I'm goin' alone ... so if I need to sign some papers about that boy, or anything ...

Won't be necessary. And Hank ... make it soon.

Oh don't worry, Sheriff. I'm already gone.

Cut to:

  8 EXT. WOODED AREA - NIGHT (from Roswell Episode 115: Independence Day)

Hank drives into a wooded area, stops the car, pops something into his mouth from a small container and pockets the container. He then gets out of the car, opens the back of the station wagon, drags out and buries the body of a man that looks just like him, gets back into the car, shapeshifts into a Hispanic male, and again pops something into his mouth from the container and pockets it.

Cut to:

  9 INT. DELUCA LIVING ROOM - NIGHT (from RWMHB Episode 119: The Witness)

(to Maria and Michael)
Larry wouldn't tell them much of anything. He kept insisting he would only speak to Deputy Green, because he was the only one who would listen to him.

Cut to:

(to Maria)
I don't know what this guy's problem is but I want you to stay away from him.
(to Michael)
And I think you should be careful too.

Cut to:

  10 CROSSCUTTING BETWEEN INTERIOR SHOTS OF THE EVANS LIVING ROOM (where Max, Phillip and Diane are all seated) AND THE PARKER LIVING ROOM (where Liz, Jeff and Nancy are all seated) (from RWMHB Episode 119: The Witness)

Your mother and I have been discussing your forced separation...

Cut to:

... from Max. We also discussed it with the Evanses and we decided that maybe we were hasty in our initial decision.

Cut to:

After all, we don't really know Liz ...

Cut to:

If Max can prove to me--
(glancing at Nancy)
I mean us ... that he is not a bad influence on you ...

Cut to:

If your mother and I could spend some time with her ...

Cut to:

Then maybe we'll change our minds.

Cut to:

... and you can see Liz again.

Cut to:

... and you can see Max again.

Cut to:

  11 EXT. EVANS HOUSE - NIGHT (from RWMHB Episode 119: The Witness)

Alex and Isabel walk up to the front door. There's an awkward pause. Alex takes a breath trying to calm his nerves. He doesn't notice that Isabel is doing the same thing. They move toward each other and kiss; their first passionate kiss. They pull back and gaze at each other.

That was very nice.

(on cloud 9, almost breathless)
Yes, it was.

  12 INT. ALEX WHITMAN'S BEDROOM - NIGHT (from RWMHB Episode 119: The Witness)

Alex is in his room. He's putting things away in his dresser and notices the dance tickets he has stuck in the mirror. He flashes to Isabel laughing with Kyle:

Flash to:


Isabel and Kyle are talking. In the background Alex is in the doorway of a classroom, unseen by Isabel.

I dreamt I asked you to the dance ...

He gestures towards the posters on the walls.

KYLE (cont'd)
... and you said yes.
(beat; pouring on the charm)
What are my chances that my dream will come true?

Isabel's laugh is the type you laugh when you are uncomfortable. Alex recognizes it and smiles. Unseen by Alex, Isabel smiles cryptically at Kyle.

I'd say 50-50.

Flash back to:

Alex, who puts the tickets in a drawer. He goes to his desk and opens one of his books. He was using a dance flyer as a bookmark, and when he realizes what it is, he starts to crumple it. He stops when he notices there is an announcement for band auditions.

  14 INT. DE LUCA LIVING ROOM - NIGHT (from RWMHB Episode 119: The Witness)

(to Maria)
I've been thinking about what your mom said at dinner and I realized that, if we continue seeing each other, you are gonna get hurt. Just being who I am can hurt you in so many ways, and I ...
I don't want to be responsible for you getting hurt. I couldn't live with that.

He looks away.

MICHAEL (cont'd)
That's why I don't think we should see each other anymore.
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Original contents copyright (C) 2003 by Roswell: What Might Have Been