MIGHT HAVE BEEN - "Take Me to Your Leader" - 09/28/05
Previously on Roswell ...
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INT. WEST ROSWELL HIGH SCHOOL - MUSIC ROOM - DAY (From Roswell Episode 101: The Pilot)
Liz has confronted Max about healing her.
Um, I-I scraped some cells from your pencil. This is really hard to say, I'm trying to keep from blacking out here. Um, the cells weren't normal.
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INT. WEST ROSWELL HIGH SCHOOL - HALLWAY - DAY (From Roswell Episode 102: The Morning After)
Max and Liz are talking about her visit to Michael to tell him about Topolsky's interest in him.
You can't just show up at Michael's and get him riled up like that. You don't know him. He's not big into "let's go over our options." He acts on things.
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INT. WEST ROSWELL HIGH SCHOOL - EXHIBIT AREA - DAY (From Roswell Episode 105: Missing)
Michael is showing his finished painting of his vision, which is part of the exhibit, to Max and Isabel.
It's pretty good, huh? I didn't even know I could paint. But Mr. Cowan said it's the best thing that's come out of this class all year.
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INT. LIZ PARKER'S BEDROOM - DAY (From Roswell Episode 105: Missing)
Max and Liz are hiding from Nancy and discussing Liz's missing journal. Max has just gotten a flash from a CD he picked up.
No, Max. I told you. Kyle hasn't been here for over a week.
I saw him.
You saw him?
I had a flash, Liz. When things get intense, heightened, sometimes we feel things...see things. He was here, Liz.
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EXT. ROSWELL CITY PARK - DAY (From Roswell Episode 105: Missing)
Max, Michael, and Isabel are having lunch, discussing Liz's journal being found and the book Max has been reading that was written by James Atherton. As Max and Michael start to leave to get something from the concession stand, Isabel flips through the book but finds it boring. She lets it close but the back cover stays open, revealing the back flap with a picture of the author outside his home–an exact replica of Michael's vision/painting.
Max. Michael.
Max and Michael return to the table.
What's the problem?
(pointing to picture)
This. Michael, it's your vision.
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INT. MOTEL ROOM OF FBI AGENT - DAY (From Roswell Episode 108: Blood Brother)
Michael and Maria are searching the motel room of the FBI agent who has been following them.
Listen. Any baby-sitter worth her salt knows that the best place to look is in the garbage can. It's always revealing.
Michael looks through the trash can and finds a torn piece of paper with a number on it.
Looks like a phone number. Local.
Maria picks up the phone and dials the number.
What are you doing?
You want to find out who's on the other end of the line, don't you?
Michael leans in to listen.
Topolsky. Hello?
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INT. WEST ROSWELL HIGH SCHOOL - TOPOLSKY'S OFFICE - DAY (From Roswell Episode 108: Blood Brother)
Alex is at Topolsky's laptop computer trying to break into her e-mail files.
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Liz is talking to Topolsky, trying to keep her from going back into her office.
No, wait. Ms. Topolsky, wait! I mean...can't we just talk about this some more?
Topolsky realizes that Liz is just stalling her, turns and opens her office door. She sees Alex sitting in her chair, on her computer. Alex turns the screen towards her and reveals the FBI seal.
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INT. MAX EVANS'S BEDROOM - NIGHT (From Roswell Episode 110: The Balance)
Max, Michael, and Isabel are discussing the information Max learned from River Dog and kept from them.
I'm late. We'll figure out the questions we want to ask, and then we'll go back to River Dog together, OK? Please, Michael. Leave it alone for now.
Fine. I'll wait.
We'll talk when I get back.
Max leaves.
Do you ever wonder what else he tells Liz that he doesn't tell us?
Oh, please. You're one to talk. What have you been whispering in Maria's ear lately?
At least I'm smart enough not to get attached. I can walk away from anybody if I have to.
What is that supposed to mean?
It means I'm not gonna let Max's mistakes keep me from finding out what I need to know.
Oh, Michael, you promised.
I promise I'll be as trustworthy as Max.
Michael leaves by climbing out the window.
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EXT. MESALIKO RESERVATION CAVE - DAY (From Roswell Episode 110: The Balance)
I remember the first time I saw Michael. It was in the desert the night we first came out of the pods. The sky was bright with stars and this full moon. Isabel and I found each other first. We didn't know how to speak, but we could communicate anyway. We walked for a while, but we could both feel someone else.
He said he saw us, but that he was afraid. So he just watched us for a long time. When he finally revealed himself, he was standing on this rock. Just like you'd expect from Michael. "Here I am. Deal with me." He said it was the hardest thing he's ever had to do...to trust us.
So, um, how did you guys end up getting separated?
We all saw the headlights at the same time. Isabel took my hand. We knew we'd be safe as long as we stayed together. I held my hand out for Michael. I knew he wanted to. He just wouldn't take it. So we just looked at each other for a long time. Wouldn't see him again for 3 years.
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INT. MESALIKO RESERVATION CAVE - NIGHT (From Roswell Episode 110: The Balance)
Man who lived in this cave when I was a boy was not like us. Some of the elders believed he was an evil spirit, so they decided to test him. He was invited into the sweat, just like I invited your friend. His reaction was quick and severe. Within a minute, his eyes were white, and he developed a fever.
Just like Michael.
Only it took the symptoms longer to show up in your friend. That's why I dismissed him at first. But when you told me he was sick, I knew he was another visitor.
That's an interesting way to put it.
Well, that's what he called himself. In my language, the word is "nasedo". So that's what I called him.
And you knew Nasedo well?
I saved his life.
Cut to:
Max, Maria, Alex, Isabel, and Liz are holding the healing stones that River Dog has handed to them.
He told me to hold the stones until my energy activated them. And the balance would be restored.
And if you didn't?
He would die.
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INT. WEST ROSWELL HIGH SCHOOL - GYMNASIUM - NIGHT (From Roswell Episode 111: The Toy House)
Isabel and Max are having a private conversation during a high school basketball game.
Mom knows something.
She was asking all these questions about you. She said you had secrets.
She said that?
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EXT. ROSWELL DIRT ROAD - NIGHT (From Roswell Episode 111: The Toy House)
Isabel and Max are alone, standing by their Jeep, a refinery in the background, discussing whether to tell their mother the truth about them.
What if mom found out it's all been a sham? If we took her family away from her, it would destroy her.
Maybe it would make us all closer.
I don't think so.
What are you saying, that if we tell mom the truth about us, she won't love us anymore?
I'm saying we'll never know the answer to that question.
Max. This isn't just your decision.
I know that.
Do you?
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EXT. FRAZIER WOODS - NIGHT (From Roswell Episode 112: Into the Woods)
Sheriff Valenti is surreptitiously following Max and Isabel as they go to check out the location of the "sighting". Kyle has been following his father and confronts him.
How many times have I heard the stories, dad? How many times you sitting at home listening to grandma cry while grandpa spent the night chasing spacemen out in the woods? That's my role now, isn't it? It's ironic.
Kyle, wait.
Now I know why you never wanted to see grandpa again. Because to him you were just a low priority!
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EXT. FRAZIER WOODS - CONTINUOUS (From Roswell Episode 112: Into the Woods)
Max and Isabel meet Michael and River Dog at the site of the "sighting". The Whirlwind symbol has been burned into the grass.
Oh, my God. It's the symbol from the cave.
The white light, or whatever the hell that was, caused this?
Yes. It's a sign.
Max, Isabel, and Michael stoop down and hold out their hands, palms down, over the symbol, causing it to light up with a light blue glow.
RIVER DOG (cont'd)
It was meant for you.
What does this mean?
That he's back. Nasedo's here.
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EXT. ROSWELL STREET - UFO CENTER- NIGHT (From Roswell Episode 113: The UFO Convention)
Sheriff Valenti is confronting Everett Hubble.
You got to my father when he was at his weakest, and you pushed him over the edge. Because of you, I had to have him committed.
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EXT. WOODED AREA - NIGHT (From Roswell Episode 115: Independence Day)
Hank drives into a wooded area, stops the car, pops something into his mouth from a small container and pockets the container. He then gets out of the car, opens the back of the station wagon, drags out and buries the body of a man that looks just like him, then gets back into the car. A bright light emanates from the car as he shapeshifts into a Hispanic male, and again pops something into his mouth from the container and pockets it.