Previously on ROSWELL: What Might Have Been …
River Dog and Michael are sitting in the cave, the same area where they healed Michael in "The Balance". The torches that were lit then are lit now, providing a modicum of light.
So why did you want to meet here? We were talking about Nasedo at your place. Why didn't you think you could help me there?
The sounds of the outside world do not penetrate this cave, so I like to come here to meditate. Meditation helps me to stay focused, to maintain control of my emotions in times of trouble. I'd like to teach you this technique; I think you would benefit greatly from it. Would you like to try?
(at a loss for what to say)
Um ... sure ... yeah ... I guess ... OK. As long as there's no sweating involved.
I promise, there'll be no sweating.
Cut to:
2 EXT. HIGHWAY 42 - OLD RADIO TOWER - DUSK (From Ep 121 Who Am I?)
Max and Liz have laid out a blanket which they are kneeling on. There is a lantern beside them and the orb between them on the blanket.
What do you suppose this orb is really for?
I'm guessing it's some sort of communication device.
They stare at the orb; nothing happens.
MAX (cont'd)
Or at least I hope so.
Cut to:
3 EXT. HIGHWAY 42 - OLD RADIO TOWER - NIGHT (From Ep 121 Who Am I?)
Same positions as before. Night has fallen. The orb is still inactive.
(picks up the orb)
Maybe if I hold it.
Still nothing.
Try concentrating on sending a signal.
Max closes his eyes and concentrates. Nothing happens. Suddenly the silence is disturbed by the sound of gravel falling near the collapsed tower. They both jump with a start, then look around trying to find the source of the sound. They both smile at their embarrassment and relief when they realize it's just a small lizard.
(laughs nervously)
We're not nervous ... much.
As they breathe a sigh of relief a rattlesnake springs out from its hiding place in the tower, grabs the lizard, then slithers back into its hiding place. The sudden appearance of the snake causes them both to gasp and jump again, only this time Max's reflexes cause the orb to fly out of his hands into the air. They both catch it at the same time. As they do, a beam shoots up to the sky displaying the Whirlwind Galaxy symbol. They are both startled by this and drop the orb. The signal goes out. Both look at the orb with amazement.
Cut to:
4 EXT. VASQUEZ ROCKS - DAY (From Ep 121 Who Am I?)
(to Max and Isabel)
Do you think we are only able to open our own pods?
At their puzzled expressions, he points towards Max's chamber and they see that it has resealed itself.
MICHAEL (cont'd)
I tried to re-open it and I couldn't ... I didn't know if it was just me or ...
Liz is in Isabel's chamber examining her pod when Max appears at the opening.
Liz, we want to try something. You'll have to step out for a moment.
Liz complies but the chamber remains open.
Everybody step back, away from the opening.
They do and the ripple effect re-appears and the chamber seals itself. Max steps up and places his hand on the solid stone. Nothing happens. Isabel steps up and does the same. The silver hand print glows, the stone wall ripples and the opening re-appears. Scientist Liz immediately goes back in.
(to Michael, impressed)
Looks like your theory is correct.
Cut to:
5 INT. SCOTTY'S BAR AND GRILL - NIGHT (From Ep 122 Breathing Lessons)
Larry Trilling is seated at the bar with a man in an Army private's uniform. The private is inebriated. He swings his arm wildly towards Larry, forcing him to lean back so as not to get hit.
I've seen things.
What kind of things?
A bat signal. A spiral bat signal.
You mean the one in the desert?
This was no desert. This was in a high-security vault at the base.
Larry's interest really picks up now.
Go on.
They've got this silly little metal orb, that they keep in the vault. I swear I saw it shoot off this ... signal ...
His shoots his arm up towards the ceiling in demonstration, causing Larry to flinch.
PRIVATE (cont'd)
… up to the ceiling, like it was calling for the mothership or something.
Larry is practically foaming at the mouth with excitement.
What did you do?
I did the right thing. I immediately called my sergeant. Course by the time he got there the signal was off.
So he didn't believe you.
(shaking his head)
Nope. No respect.
Don't worry, friend. I believe you.
Cut to:
6 INT. WEST ROSWELL HIGH SCHOOL - HALLWAY - DAY (From Ep 122 Breathing Lessons)
Kyle and Paulie are walking down a hallway. They stop when Kyle notices a pretty, blonde girl who is working on the combination of her locker in the background.
Who's she?
You haven't met the new girl yet? She just started today. She's hot, but a little strange.
Strange? How?
I heard that she's already finished school for the year and is ... get this ... "auditing" classes till the end of the year so she can get a "feel" for the school. She's supposed to enroll in September. Can you believe that? Who would go to school when they didn't have to?
Maybe she's just here for the social aspect. You know, trying to make friends for over the summer.
Well she's not succeeding. Everyone who's met her thinks she's way too blunt, forward, and just plain weird. She's been going up to everyone, introducing herself, shaking their hand, and then moving on.
(seeing Kyle's interest)
I'm sure she'll get to you eventually. I think she's going alphabetically.
Kyle looks at Paulie like he's making it up.
PAULIE (cont'd)
I said she was strange.
(eyes the new girl with appreciation)
Strange can be good.
Cut to:
7 INT. MICHAEL GUERIN'S APARTMENT - DAY (From Ep 122 Breathing Lessons)
Isabel is teaching Michael to slow dance. She approaches him and puts her arms around his neck.
Put your hands on my back.
Michael reaches out and places his hands on her back, leaving a large gap of space between them.
ISABEL (cont'd)
Michael, you have to pretend I'm Maria. Hold me like you would her.
He does, reluctantly.
ISABEL (cont'd)
OK, now just sway to the music.
They start swaying to the music. Michael is a little off tempo at first, and steps on her toes.
ISABEL (cont'd)
(eager for an excuse)
Maybe we should stop.
(looks at her feet with concern, then bravely smiles)
No, no, I'll be fine. Let's keep going.
Michael starts to get into the rhythm. Isabel relaxes and lays her head on his shoulder. They both seem at ease with each other. Suddenly there are a couple of flashes. First of young Michael cowering before Hank. The second of young Isabel horrified when she sees a greyling mannequin in a store. She keeps looking from the greyling to looking at herself in a mirror in the store, to back to the greyling. The camera shows their individual reactions: their eyes widen in shock. They stop dancing and separate quickly.
What was that!?
OK, I think that's enough lesson for today.
Cut to:
8 EXT. WEST ROSWELL HIGH SCHOOL - QUAD - DAY (From Ep 122 Breathing Lessons)
(holding out her hand to Isabel)
Hello. My name is Tess Harding. I'm new at this school.
Isabel looks at Tess's outstretched hand then slowly takes it. Tess's eyes fill with wonder; she takes Isabel's hand in both of hers, sits across from her, and stares into her eyes. There are flashes of young Isabel emerging from her pod and of her and young Max alone in the desert as the car approaches. Tess starts beaming. Isabel gets a flash of a white sun in a yellow sky— she is speechless and looks alarmed, as if the wind has been knocked out of her. Finally she gathers her wits and slowly disengages her hand from Tess's. Tess is watching her, expectantly. Isabel is so shocked she can barely catch her breath. Finally she regains her composure and gets up the courage to ask the question burning in her mind.
No, but I can take you to him.
9 INT. WEST ROSWELL HIGH SCHOOL - HALLWAY - DAY (From Ep 201 Take Me to Your Leader)
Liz and Maria approach the art classroom; Maria is holding a rose, Liz her dance corsage. Vicky and another classmate, Wendy are standing outside the classroom talking before class begins. Vicky and Wendy are also holding their Spring Blast-Off corsages. Liz and Maria enter the classroom, passing Vicky and Wendy who notice that Maria is not bringing a corsage to class. Michael is walking down the hallway from the other direction. He gets within earshot just as Wendy leans in towards Vicky.
Poor Maria.
Michael stops short and listens without their knowledge.
Well, that's what you get when you date a fixer-upper like Michael Guerin. I mean, even Kyle knew enough to get me a corsage.
Michael stiffens, then turns on his heel and walks back in the direction he came from.
Cut to:
10 INT. WEST ROSWELL HIGH SCHOOL - ART CLASSROOM - DAY (From Ep 201 Take Me to Your Leader)
Tess is looking at the paintings hung on the wall. She stands in front of a landscape of horses in a field. Through the window we see Kyle walking by. He glances in and sees Tess. He smiles and enters the room.
(making conversation)
What do you think of it?
(still appraising the picture)
It's rather prosaic.
Prosaic? What does prosaic mean?
Ordinary. Dull.
Why not just say ordinary or dull?
That would be too prosaic.
Kyle smiles. Tess notices Michael's drawing of James Atherton's dome home. Taking this opportunity for some closer contact, she puts one hand on Kyle's arm as she points with the other towards Michael's drawing.
TESS (cont=d)
(with sincerity)
Now this one speaks to me. This artist has vision.
Kyle pretends to study the picture, but he's more conscious of Tess's hand on his arm, which he obviously enjoys. Tess's expression is a strange mixture of pleasure, disappointment, and confusion.
Cut to:
11 INT. ALEX WHITMAN'S CAR - NIGHT (From Ep 201 Take Me to Your Leader)
The camera angle is from Maria's POV so we see what she sees. Alex embraces Maria. His face is right up to hers; their lips a hair's-breadth apart.
What are you doing?
Pretend we are making out. Can you see what's going on?
Maria puts her arms around Alex and pretends to be kissing him, but is watching Liz and Ed.
They're just talking. Uh oh.
He's pointing to where we were standing. Oh great!
Now what?
Tess is at the window and she sees Liz.
Liz stops talking to Ed and continues walking, still on the other side of the street, walking way past the car.
MARIA (cont'd)
Now Liz is walking a—
Ed looks suspiciously at Alex's car. Maria suddenly starts kissing Alex for real, taking him completely by surprise. The camera angle changes and we see that her eyes are closed; she does not let Alex up for air until she hears the Hardings' front door close. At the same time Liz doubles back to the car.
What was that!?
Mr. Harding was looking right at us; I had to make it look real.
Cut to:
12 INT. WHITMAN'S GALAXY STUDIO - DARK ROOM – NIGHT (From Ep 201 Take Me to Your Leader)
There are sheets of photo paper immersed in shallow plastic tubs filled with developing solution. Alex is using tongs to move the sheets slightly, to make sure that they are completely covered. Isabel is beside him, watching.
How do you know how to do this?
I work for my uncle sometimes when he needs extra help and he pays me by letting me use his equipment whenever I want.
(with a concerned sigh)
I don't know how I can ever repay you ... for what you did for us tonight.
(looks at her lovingly)
If this helps you find the answers you've been looking for, that's all the payment I need.
(leans towards her playfully)
But a kiss would be a nice fringe benefit.
Isabel smiles and kisses him with lots of enthusiasm. Then she pulls back suddenly.
You kissed Maria!?
Cut to:
13 INT. MICHAEL GUERIN'S APARTMENT - DAY (From Ep 201 Take Me to Your Leader)
The gang is all there and Tess has just arrived with Nasedo/Ed.
Tess. Liz, Maria, and Alex know the truth about us.
Truth? Have we walked in on a meeting of a secret club.
He smiles again.
Sure, the I Know an Alien club.
(shocked, but refusing to let down his guard)
Of course. This is Roswell. It's natural that you'd have an interest in UFOs.
No, our friends know that Michael, Isabel, and I are aliens. And that—
Max stops talking at the anger and horror on Ed's face; the fear on Tess's.
We would never say anything. Anything that might hurt anyone.
At the sound of Liz's voice, the anger resonating from Ed seems to grow so as to fill the room.
It's safe, really. We can trust them; they've proved it over and over.
She turns slightly to Alex and takes his arm.
(with a forced laugh)
Very funny. Is this a game that you play with all newcomers to Roswell?
Michael, exasperated, raises his hand and uses his power to knock a pile of books off the kitchen counter. All but Michael jump at the noise. Isabel, Liz, and Alex, almost as surprised as Ed and Tess, stare at the books then turn to Michael with a "what the hell" look. Michael turns and aims at a drawing pad at the other end of the counter. Maria grabs his arm, stopping him.
I think you made your point.
(to Tess and Ed)
Everyone here knows we're aliens. Get it?
Yes, I get it. It's apparent you were not raised properly.
The Evanses are wonderful parents. They a—
You have no parents.
You have no parents.
Maybe someone should start from the beginning.
(not acknowledging Alex)
I will explain what you need to know and you will tell me about your lives in Roswell.
They all react to this statement with varying degrees of anticipation, curiosity, and suspicion.
ED (cont'd)
When they ...
(nodding toward Liz, Maria, and Alex)
... leave.
It's not necessary.
Ed says nothing. Liz glances at Alex and Maria as if asking a question. They both nod slightly.
Max, it's okay. We'll go.
You don't have to do this.
It's your chance to get answers to questions you've had forever. We ...
(glancing at Maria and Alex again)
... don't want to get in the way of that.
You're not.
We'll see you later.
Liz leans toward Max and gives him a quick kiss. Alex and Isabel kiss, also briefly. Michael, glancing at Ed to make sure he's watching, in defiance kisses Maria as if he won't see her for days, then checks to make sure she is OK. Tess seems confused and hurt when she sees Max kissing Liz and Michael kissing Maria. Ed appears displeased.
(to Maria)
I'll talk to you soon.
Be careful, please.
Maria, Alex, and Liz leave.