ROSWELL: WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN - "Breathing Lessons" - ACT IV - 01/26/05 |
Max and Liz look wide-eyed with worry at Valenti.
Valenti walks away with a slight smile on his lips and Max and Liz both sigh with relief. The camera pans and stops at Michael and Maria, seated at a table. The band is playing another slow song. Michael is fidgeting, trying to get up the nerve, then surprises Maria by getting up, taking her hand, and leading her to the dance floor.
They start to dance. He's actually doing a decent job; holding her close, not stepping on her toes. Maria rests her head on his shoulder, enjoying the closeness.
Maria looks up, confused.
The look on Maria's face tells Michael that he scored major points and he is pleasantly surprised. He leans down and they kiss. Just as it starts to heat up, a hand taps Michael on the shoulder. He breaks from the kiss and turns to see who interrupted them. The camera pulls back to reveal Mr. Seligman.
Seligman walks on, leaving Michael nonplused.
Dissolves show a passage of time; the various couples dancing to fast songs, Liz and Max with wild abandon--really enjoying themselves despite the band's performance, Alex and Isabel and Kyle and Vicky having fun, but not enjoying the "music" quite as much, especially Alex, and Michael and Maria giving it a try, but sitting most of the fast songs out. At one point we see Kyle carrying a decorated box (which looks like it might contain votes) towards the gym teacher's office. Elana and Vanessa, on the dance floor with their dates (ivy leaguer types) are watching him. Later the camera stops at a couple at the refreshment table. Elana and Vanessa and their dates are within hearing distance, as are Chris, Marcos and Nicky, but unseen by the couple. The lead singer of The Alienettes misses a high note.
Elana and Vanessa look indignant. Their dates steer them away from the couple as if they are beneath them. Chris, Marcos and Nicky, getting punch, have heard and seen the above. They speak in conspiratorial whispers.
They leave the refreshment table, carrying punch to their dates seated at another table. The camera keeps panning. The band is playing another slow song and the camera focuses on Alex and Isabel on the dance floor.
Alex is quiet for a moment, trying to work up the courage to ask her something. Finally he goes for it.
Isabel stiffens slightly and laughs nervously.
Alex holds her a little closer.
Isabel smiles and visibly relaxes.
Alex relaxes his hold on her enough to make eye contact. He has a twinkle in his eye and a smile on his lips.
Isabel gives him a wry smile and a slight pinch on the arm.
Isabel holds him closer and puts her head on his shoulder.
They continue to dance. He's suddenly more confident in himself and it shows. Alex twirls her around, then dips her, just like in his dream. They are both loving every minute of it. The camera pans and then stops on Amy, who is now sitting alone at the table watching the couples on the dance floor. The camera angle widens to include who Amy is watching--Maria and Michael slow dancing. She slips a small camera from her purse and takes a few pictures surreptitiously. The strobe lights mask the flash from the camera. Then she decides she wants to take one close up so she moves in. Maria spots her.
Maria beckons to Amy to come closer.
Amy does and starts to walk away. Maria grabs her by the arm and leans in close so only Amy can hear.
Maria gives her mom a thumbs up and Amy walks away. Maria continues dancing with Michael. As the song ends, Mr. Seligman gets on the microphone on stage to make an announcement.
There are cheers and applause from the students.
More cheers and applause from the students. Elana and Vanessa are eating it up and anticipating the announcement of the award.
Slightly less enthusiastic applause.
He hands the mike back to the lead singer of the band and turns to leave the stage. Elana and Vanessa look alarmed. Elana calls up to Seligman.
There are murmurs of puzzlement from the other students.
This causes some snickering from the other students.
Elana and Vanessa look smugly triumphant.
Elana and Vanessa look aghast that he would even consider listening to the rabble. Chris, Marcos and Nicky, are in the audience nodding approval. Seligman motions to the lead singer to begin the last song and leaves the stage. Some students start gathering their things to leave, others head for the refreshment table, some to the restrooms, and others head for the dance floor for the last dance. Max and Liz and Alex and Isabel are among those on the dance floor. It's a slow dance. Neither Michael nor Vicky are anywhere to be seen. Kyle is at the refreshment table, munching on some chips. Maria is scanning the floor looking for someone. She spots Kyle and heads for the refreshment table.
Disappointed, Maria sighs and leans against the table.
The camera pans over to Valenti and Amy at one of the tables. Valenti gets up and extends his hand to Amy.
Amy smiles and takes his hand, letting him lead her to the dance floor. They begin to dance, forgetting about watching the students as they gaze deep into each other's eyes. The camera pulls back to reveal Kyle and Maria's reactions as they watch from the refreshment table--their eyes widening in shock. Valenti leans in for a kiss and Amy responds in kind.
Cut to:
Isabel and Alex are walking slowly, hand in hand, towards her front door. They keep their voices low.
They have reached her front door. Alex is looking at Isabel as though she is the most beautiful thing he ever saw.
They kiss. Lightly at first, then more passionately.
Cut to:
The lights are dim. Max and Liz are at the bottom of the stairs leading to her apartment, saying goodnight. They are holding each other close, looking into each other's eyes. They keep their voices low, almost whispering.
She cups his face with her hands and draws him into a kiss that builds from gentle to passionate, but then is interrupted by a voice from upstairs.
They stop kissing and embrace.
He doesn't move.
The nuzzling tickles, so Liz giggles. She steps back slightly to look at him.
Liz points towards the swinging door to indicate they should move to the main dining area, which they do, holding hands, and talking as they walk towards their favorite booth.
Liz slides into the booth and Max slides next to her.
Their foreheads touch as they contemplate this. Suddenly something dawns on Max and he sits up straight, places his hands on Liz's shoulders and looks at her earnestly.
Cut to:
Max is dressed and is just finishing making his bed. He hears a tapping on his window. He goes to the window, opens it, and helps Liz climb through.
Before she can answer, Isabel opens his door without knocking and enters. She's carrying the sketch of the Desert Man.
Isabel stops short when she sees Liz. She looks from Liz to Max to Max's partially made bed back to Liz.
Max quickly finishes making his bed then he and Isabel sit at the edge of it. Liz sits cross-legged in the middle of the bed facing them. Isabel puts her hand on the drawing. Max does the same. They hold hands with their free hand, close their eyes and concentrate.
Cut to:
Maria, wearing her Crashdown uniform, is waiting for Michael to finish in the bathroom. She's standing in the living room, casually looking over the paltry items Michael has decorating his apartment (a few Metallica posters, etc) as she talks to him through the door.
Michael, wearing his Crashdown T-shirt, opens the bathroom door, exits and walks towards Maria.
He comes over and gives her a hug from behind.
Maria stiffens slightly then steps away from Michael's hug and starts searching his apartment.
Michael goes behind the curtain that divides his bedroom from the living room then returns with a plant--the same plant that he accidentally exploded in "The Witness". Its pot has been seamlessly mended but the plant itself has not fully recovered from the shock and looks pathetic. Maria's mouth drops open. He places the plant on the counter and walks back towards her.
Michael raises his arm, about to demonstrate, but she doesn't realize what he is about to do and keeps talking.
The pot explodes and Maria lets out a startled scream. She stares at the shattered pot and uprooted plant, dumbfounded.
Maria is still a little bit shaken but trying to remain calm and supportive. She takes his hand in hers.
Maria walks towards Michael and puts her arms around him.
They kiss.
Cut to:
Max and Isabel are still concentrating. Liz is watching them intently, as if she is vicariously concentrating with them. Max and Isabel start to frown; it's obvious that no connection is being made. Liz seeing Max's look of disappointment places her hand on his in support and suddenly they are all in. All three feel as if they have been sucked into a vortex. Dark and disturbing images are whirling around; among them is Hank in a shallow grave with dirt being shoveled onto his face, another is of the Desert Man, in a military uniform, looking frightened, and someone's hand is on his chest. The images are so frightening that almost as soon as they got in, they break the connection. They sit there, wide-eyed and in shock.
Cut to:
Liz is on her lounge writing in her journal.
Cut to:
Isabel is sitting on her bed, knees up against her chest, her arms around her legs, and she's rocking slightly as if to comfort herself. She looks distraught.
Cut to:
Max is lying on his bed, looking up at the ceiling, rolling one of his healing stones in his hand like a worry stone.
Cut to:
Max, Liz, Michael, Maria, Isabel, and Alex are all there sitting on the couch and arm chair. Maria is the first to break the stunned silence.
Cut to:
Wide angle view. Isabel is seated at a table with Alex; we do not hear their conversation. Alex collects his stuff, gives Isabel a quick kiss and leaves. Kyle, passing by, stops to say hi to Isabel; again, we don't hear their conversation. In the background the new girl is making the rounds at the various tables, introducing herself, shaking hands and moving on. Max and Liz are at another table. The camera focuses on them. We join them in mid-conversation. Their voices are low.
Liz looks stunned. The camera switches to a wide-angle view. Elana and Vanessa enter the quad, spot Isabel and Kyle and head towards them in a hurry. The camera follows them. Kyle starts to leave, but they cut off his exit, glaring at him, with their arms crossed.
He walks away with a self-satisfied smirk, leaving them with dropped jaws. Isabel has been listening to the conversation. She goes into ice princess mode.
They quickly close their mouths. The new girl comes up behind them and taps Vanessa on the shoulder. She spins around angrily and is caught by surprise.
She reaches out to shake hands. At first glance, Elana and Vanessa are impressed by her pretty face and respond in kind, but as they shake hands they give her the once over, taking in her less than fashionable (to them) style of dress, and their demeanor changes to disdain.
Tess steps out of their way and they brush past her. Her face reflects her hurt feelings, but she recovers quickly when she notices Isabel. Isabel was observing the exchange and is looking strangely at Tess.
Isabel looks at Tess's outstretched hand then slowly takes it. Tess's eyes fill with wonder; she takes Isabel's hand in both of hers, sits across from her, and stares into her eyes. There are flashes of young Isabel emerging from her pod and of her and young Max alone in the desert as the car approaches. Tess starts beaming. Isabel gets a flash of a white sun in a yellow sky--she is speechless and looks alarmed, as if the wind has been knocked out of her. Finally she gathers her wits and slowly disengages her hand from Tess's. Tess is watching her, expectantly. Isabel is so shocked she can barely catch her breath. Finally she regains her composure and gets up the courage to ask the question burning in her mind.
The camera focuses on Tess's bright smile as we fade out.
To be continued ...
Potential solace for anyone who experiences distress at the very sight of the name "Tess".
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